Published January 31, 2016 by

February Writing Update

Hello and welcome to my February writing update. These are small blog entries that I write once a month to talk about my current writing progress and other things. Please feel free to give them a read and check out my stories. Many of them are currently free to read and download.

I've recently returned to work after the Christmas vacation so I didn't have much time for writing last month. I am currently busy editing my most recent story The Monster Exorcist: New Foes. (You can check out some free sample chapters here) I have finally finished writing the whole story, but I want to edit the first few chapter more to make it easier for people who are not familiar with the story to understand it.

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Published January 27, 2016 by

The Monster Exorcist: New Foes Book Cover

This is the cover art for my latest story The Monster Exorcist: New Foes. I actually drew and digitally painted the picture myself. I'm not super great at art, but I'm tired of searching the net for decent royalty free pictures, and I didn't want to pay someone to design my cover for me. Therefore I decided to just go ahead and make the whole thing myself. I am quite happy with the final result and I think it looks very original.

You can check out a three preview of The Monster Exorcist New Foes here.

Story: Michael here. Last time we spoke I was living it up as a monster exorcist until some crazy fox monster came to eat my heart. Thankfully I managed to survive, but now all my friends and even the exorcist organisation have suddenly turned against me. They're all accusing me of being a monster in human form, but that can't possibly be true, can it?

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Published January 20, 2016 by

The Monster Exorcist Two: Chapter 6

Hello and welcome to Chapter 6 from my new story The Monster Exorcist: New Foes. 

For everyone who is reading this blog for the first time you can download the first book in The Monster Exorcist series for free here. And you can check out the previous chapters as well

                    Chapter 4
                        Chapter 5

I hope that you enjoy reading this chapter, and you can always support my story by purchasing my work or reviewing it on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the iTunes store. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates and free give-aways.

Chapter 6
After a few weeks, Sis finally managed to convince Nina’s brother and Hugo to let me return to school. My sister was smart enough to wait until Sebastian stopped calling up everyday to check on me, and then she launched her counter attack. Nina’s brother looked like he was going to cry, but Sis threatened to tell Sebastian more of his embarrassing moments if he didn’t let me go back to class. Akito also managed to convince them that I was probably safe.
“Nooooooo! You can’t do this to me!” Begged Nina’s brother as he clung to my sister’s leg in desperation. “If anyone ever finds out, the best promotion I’ll ever get will be the main branch janitor!”
“I hear they’ve been trying to find someone to clean the outside toilet for a while now,” said Hugo. “Even the janitor won't touch it.”
“Please, please, think of my career!” Nina’s brother cried, but my sister refused to budge.
Unfortunately they left it up to Nina’s brother to explain my long absence, so he told the school that I'd caught Ebola. I think he also realized that he might need to pull me out again (in case Sebastian came back to check on them), so he told everyone that there was a high chance of me regressing.

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Published January 19, 2016 by

January Update

Hello and welcome to my January update. These are regular blog posts that I write once a month to talk about my recent writing progress amongst other things. I recently changed my website design because I wanted something a little less generic. Some of you might think it's a little girly, but I feel that it correctly represents my soul.

I had a lot of free time over my Christmas vacation so I managed to get plenty of writing done. I have now almost finished writing The Monster Exorcist: New Foes and I'm busy editing what I've already writing. I’m still working on the end. I’m not very good at writing long dramatic fight scenes, so there are still a few scenes at the end that need a lot of work. I've been writing it for so long now that it's not as fun to write as it used to be, but I've vowed to finish it before I start any new stories. You can currently read the first few chapters here.

When I began writing this second part to my story back in the summer of 2014 I was sure that it would only take me a year or so. Unfortunately I encountered some financial setbacks which required me to work a second and third job to make more money. It’s a pain to spend so long just writing the same story, but on the plus side I had a lot longer to think about it, so I believe that there’s many interesting and exciting news scenes which wouldn’t be there if I had just rushed through writing it.
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Published January 09, 2016 by

Vote For Your Favourite Character!

Who is your favourite character from The Monster Exorcist? Please feel free to vote for them here.

Who is your favourite character?

Sean Lopez
The Fox Monster
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