I've recently returned to work after the Christmas vacation so I didn't have much time for writing last month. I am currently busy editing my most recent story The Monster Exorcist: New Foes. (You can check out some free sample chapters here) I have finally finished writing the whole story, but I want to edit the first few chapter more to make it easier for people who are not familiar with the story to understand it.
I've been using a great program called Natural Reader to help me check my work. It's a text to voice program which reads everything out loud, so its great for spotting typos and strange sentences. I can also import my word files and edit my documents. It's free to download and use, so you can download it here if you're interested.
I recently made the cover art that you can see on the left. I actually drew and digitally painted the picture myself. I'm not super great at art, but I wanted to have something original. I also hope to design and make some book covers for my other stories as well.
I have now started thinking about what to write next once it is finally The Monster Exorcist Two, so I want to give myself a break from the story and write something else for a little while. I am tempted to start one of the new stories that I've been mulling over for the past few years, but I've decided to write Tales From A Land Of Gods Part 2. You can check out part 1 for free here. It will probably won't be super long, but I would like to finally introduce the main set of characters which most of the following story will revolve around, so I'm excited to finally get it all out on paper. The story will become a lot more action packed compared to before. Here is a little spoiler
finished. I've spent over a year and a half writing
A thief named Khan makes his way to a kingdom with no gods in search of the beautiful princess. Instead he is intrigued by her charismatic female bodyguard who is unnatural strong, and has a history of killing gods.
I would like to get it finished quickly, but unfortunately I have to eat food and pay rent so work usually slows me down. If if you would like to support me you can always do so buy buying my work or recommending it to your friends and family. you can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for all my latest updates and free giveaways.
As for my reading life, I have often been told that in order to be a good author you have to read a lot of books in order to improve your writing. It's great if you have the time, but writing a novel has consumed to much of my life that I have no idea how people get time to read other stories as well. I only have time to read on the train and I wanted to read something for free, so I've recently been browsing through Fanfiction.net. It's a little nerdy, but it's a great source of fan stories that people have writing about their favourite books, movies, and TV shows. I recently saw Star Wars The Force Awakens and I wanted more, so I have been browsing through that section of their website. Some of the stories there are actually pretty good, and I got hooked on a story called Force Bond which is all about Dath Vader and Luke. I got really addicted for a little while so I was reading it like a maniac.
This song called "What you want" by Juju has also been stuck in my head for days. You can take a look at it here.
Until next time