Published November 04, 2015 by

November Writing Update

Hello and welcome to my November writing update. I actually started writing this post way back in October but I didn’t have time to finish it until recently. I’m sorry that there haven’t been any updates for a while now. I haven’t had much time to write recently due to work, and work after work, and work on weekends. It’s a little depressing and I would like to cut back in order to concentrate more on writing, but I need to pay my rent. I’m still working hard towards finishing my story The Monster Exorcist but there are just so many other commitments. I guess it’s all just part of being a responsible adult.

If you hadn’t already noticed I posted some great free previews for my next story The Monster Exorcist: New Foes. When writing the story I did try and make it easy for people who haven't read the first book, so please give it a go even if you haven’t read “The Monster Exorcist.” I hope that you can enjoy it, and any feedback would also be great.

I originally wrote The Monster Exorcist as a slightly different story called How I was Murdered by a Fox Monster. I received many emails asking about part 2, so I made a special version for those fans which you can download or read online here.

I hope to try and post chapter 4 of The Monster Exorcist New Foes on this website soon as well. I already finished writing the chapter almost a year ago, but I would like to edit it a few times before I post it online. I have been frantically writing notes for the story every chance I get, and so far I have about 130 pages. It’s not much considering how long that I have been writing it, but I get really fixated on certain scenes and characters, and it takes me a long time to get what’s written out on paper the same as what’s going through my head. I have a lot of ideas about how I want the reader to feel when reading it, so I hope that I can convey the story well.

In more positive news I finally received my first ever payment from Amazon. I originally went with their check option, but the threshold is $100 and I just wasn’t getting there, so I switched to direct debit. I finally got my first $10 from Amazon, which actually turned out to be just $7 because they took 30% away as tax because I am not an American citizen. (Why Amazon, Why?!) I think the $100 threshold is a little ridiculous because there must be countless authors who never manage to break that. Being an author doesn’t earn much, but it’s my dream so I will continue to endure for a little longer.

If you  would like to support me and my work, you can do so with very little effort by following me on Facebook, Twitter, or blogspot. You can also help me out by downloading my work or buying it online. Even just leaving a positive review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, or the iTunes store would help me out immensely and I couldn't thank you enough.

I hope that you enjoy reading my samples, and make sure to follow me for further updates and free sample chapters.

See you next time.

