Hello and welcome to my January writing update. These are just posts that I try and write once a month to talk about what I’ve been working on and doing recently.
I haven’t written one of these updates for a while because I was trying my best to focus all my writing efforts into finishing my current story “Memories of a Soul in the Underworld.” I also went back to my hometown for New Year vacation, in which I completely switched off and didn’t write a thing. Sorry guys. I also had the chance to stop by Beijing and Sydney, so here are a few of my best pictures.

I did actually take all my written notes with me on holiday in the hope that I’d write something, but Sydney hotels were so ridiculously expensive that I decided to camp. It was actually so hot in my tent, (or somewhere on the road) that the heat actually erased some of my notes that I’d written in Frixion pen. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I actually managed to faintly recover them by sticking my notebook in the freezer, but it’s defiantly going to take me a lot longer to write the next few chapters of “Memories of a Soul in the Underworld,” so I apologise for any slow updates. I already have a draft of the next few chapters written out by hand, but I have to work a few weekends over the next few months in order to save money (gotta pay off that holiday somehow) so I’ll try my best to finish the next chapter when I get the chance.