Part: 1, 2, 3
Disclaimer: I am not an official translator. I have a degree in Japanese, and lived in Japan for years, but I'm still not perfect. I'm going to try my best to translate all the dialogue, but there were some vague or difficult descriptions that I decided to skip, and sentences that I decided to swap for more natural English equivalents. I also added a few "he said, she said" to make it easier to tell who's speaking. Please think of this as a rough translation and don't treat it like it 100% accurate.
Please link back to this page if you use the information from the translation, and support Final Fantasy by buying the official translation if it becomes available.
The villagers had actually come out to meet Yuna who had been gone for a while. Tidus was of course welcomed by the one’s who knew him. Datto, Letty, Botta, Jassu, Keepa, from his old team, the Besaid Aurochs.
While happily meeting everyone again, Wakka enthusiastically held out a baby in his arms.
"This is my kid Vidina, isn’t he cute?"
"Yeah, gave birth to him?"
"That would be me."
He heard a defiant voice from behind him. When he turned around the first thing he saw was a large bosom. It was Lulu.
“Still as beautiful as ever.”
Lulu laughed softly and took the baby from Wakka.